Thursday, April 19, 2007

I love this song =)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

As much as i am trying to sleep now, i cant. I have so much things to say out, just as i tho there's someone who i can actually talk to, she turn me down, haiz...

When den can i really find that somebody who will be there for me when i really need someone to talk to? Why things always dun turn out to be the way i want it to be?

Well... just fuck it

Monday, April 09, 2007


My all time fav.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

It's 4am now and i am still awake, i seriously think i got a fucking problem sleeping early.

Hmmm.. had a gal friend who used to chat with me when i am bored at nite, but she went genting yesterday and will only be back on tuesday. Theres 17 people online on my msn list now, but seem that theres nothing much to talk about. Haiz.

And last night supposed to catch a late night movie with a fren (Stella), but we miss the 2.25am show. Actually we are planning to catch the 4am show ( crazy ya? ). But no la, we both agree that it's abit too late, even if we can wait till that time, but i dun think we can last till the end of show. Haha. In the end we ended up playing yahoo pool till 5.20am in the morning lol. And she just went thailand too this afternoon 3pm, will only be back on tuesday too, haiz.... why is everyone going holiday this month?. In fact i should be going genting next month too with my family and relative, but due to work i will have to give up the trip. Sian!

Think i will just end here, starting to feel abit sleepy. Nightz people =)

Friday, April 06, 2007

I am not happy, it suck, i don't know why.

I tried to control it, but i just fall deeper into it.
Arrr, i need to get out of this fucking shit !!!

I am a happy person, why must i let such thing bring me down?
I hate this feeling.