Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wow..... so long never blog le, 2 months le ba. Well, alot of things happen this 2 months.
Hmmm, to cut the thing short, a fren of mine name pinky had suddenly become a very good fren of mine, we know each other since aug ba?... (well... who cares?) But we talk about almost everything under the sun, we got no secret to hide within each other. Here i wanna thank god for letting me had a fren like her : ) cheer....

Now lets talk about work, i believe no ones like to work yah? But work had been rather fun recently. I had a new colleguage recently name David ( aka shit? ) He had make work more fun while having him ard, well, there are people who say hes a weirdo, there are people who say hes dao? there are also people who say hes trying to act cool? Ayya, whatever comments..... i just wanna say hes a nice chap and a very fun guy to be with. ( gals who wanna know him can ask for his number from me yeah? hahaha ). And not to forgot about Erik, jimmy and adrian...... work will be kinda bored without them : ).
And yeah, My lady boss.... hmmm even tho she really nag alot till i realli wish to shut her up with a bao..... but hey, shes a nice lady boss after all, she jokes when shes feeling happi which is kinda funny.... she will try to help you out if u are facing some problem, just talk to her nicely and she will listen.... erm yup enough of her ( LOL ).

Ok, recently know some new frens too working in Osim, Jolena, Cluadia, Stella ( S.H.E ) haha.
At first they was kinda dao and unfriendly, But now they become more friendly after knowing us. As for jolena... din realli went out with her b4, so still dun realli know her tat well. Claudia, join her for clubbing once, OMG... i am shock!! shes a totally diff person when shes clubbing and at work. She realli went all the way out to play when shes clubbing... lol. ( claudia, must smile more k =P ).
K the last gal is stella, went dinner with her once, went singing with her once, yeah man, her singing is realli good, i still remember when she first sang Zhu wo shen ri kuai le..... damn, i was impress by her man. For a few sec i was in love with her ( hahaha... lame rite? ) But later on she gonna go east coast to meet her frens and i gonna go power station to meet up with my cousin, so i guess it end our nite being together : ).
Ok, not to forget my cousins, meet them at power station last sat nite, Yeah man, they are my forever brother and sister for life, Dean, Adrain and Margrat. We start clubbing together at the age of 15, we grow up together, play together, smoke together, get into trouble together and so much more, it gonna take me 3 days 3 nights to list them all out. Everytime when i hang out with them, i know my life will be incomplete without them, they are already part of my life le. Cheer brother and sister : ).
And to my ex gf joey, i thank you for loving me all this while, I dun think we are suitable to be together anymore. But i will still treat you as a friend : ). Lets move on k =).
And lastly, I love my parents : )
Happy 2007